
Unleash your QA Superpowers with this ultimate testing playground! From common web elements to buggy forms or Ecommerce e2e flows, or REST API / GraphQL applications, QA-Practice app is designed to sharpen your manual and automation testing skills. Welcome to the ultimate destination for QA engineers looking to level up their game!

k6 Tutorials - Load & Performance Testing

k6 is a load testing tool created by Grafana, with just a few simple installation steps that implies creating Javascript scripts for assessing the performance of your project.

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Playwright Tutorials - E2E Reliable testing

Playwright is an open-source, cross-browser testing library created by Microsoft that allows developers to write automated tests in multiple programming languages: Java, JavaScript/TS, C# or Python. Features: #anybrowser #anyplatform #oneapi #resilient #noflakytests #notradeoffs #nolimits #fullisolation #fastexecution #powerfultooling

CLICK HERE to get started!

Cypress Framework Tutorials - From Zero to Hero

Are you new to the Automation Testing World? Let's make the first steps together, building from scratch one of the coolest automation frameworks for Web Applications

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TestCafe Framework Tutorials - Web E2E - From Zero to Testing in MINUTES

Test Cafe is a Node. js end-to-end free and open source automation tool which is used to test web applications. It works on all popular environments such as Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

CLICK HERE to get started!

API Automation Tutorials - Getting started with PactumJS

PactumJS is a REST API Testing Tool used to automate e2e, integration, contract & component (or service level) tests.

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